Helsinki Fashion Week 2022 explores the phygital world
As digital fashion takes the spotlight, the qualities of traditional fashion are highlighted. Which qualities do we want to preserve; and which ones do we want to redesign?
The lines between physical and digital are more blurred than ever. It isn’t a question of which one is better, but rather of how the two worlds can coexist in a mutually beneficial symbiosis.
How can we improve the physical world by using digital tools? And which elements from the physical world should we include in our new reality? As physical presence can be considered a luxury in today’s world, it is also time to re-evaluate and reinvent physical fashion.
The digital world frees us from restrictions of the physical world, making the future of fashion a playground for finding alternatives, expressing ourselves, and connecting in new ways.
Focusing on the connection, and disconnection between the physical and the digital world, Helsinki Fashion Week 2022 will explore the phygital future.
Helsinki Fashion Week will be held on August 5-7.
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